COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Husson M. - Fascination mathématique ou analyse économique
Husson Michel - Fascination mathématique ou analyse économique:l’exemple de la transformation des valeurs en prix
Artus P. - Quelle évolution du PIB après une récession?
Artus Patrick - Quelle évolution du PIB après une récession?
Maito E. E. - The historical transience of capital
Maito Esteban Ezequiel - The historical transience of capital The downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century
Fiebiger B. - Rethinking the Financialisation of Non-Financial Corporations
Fiebiger Brett - Rethinking the Financialisation of Non-Financial Corporations: A Reappraisal of US Empirical Data
Saez E. - Striking it Richer
Saez E. - Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States (Updated with 2013 preliminary estimates)
Norfield T. - Derivatives and Capitalist Markets
Norfield Tony - Derivatives and Capitalist Markets:The Speculative Heart of Capital
Shaikh A. The first great depression of 21^ century
Shaikh A. The first great depression of 21^ century
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